

Woodward High School Class of 1960
Cincinnati, Ohio

Up dated: 10 Feb 2025

Life-long friends create memories forever melded
to the sentimental portions of our soul.


Altherr, Mike (Steed)
Apke, James
Baden, Bob
Baker, Sylvia
Balay, Yvonne Ann
Bedwell, Fred
Beel, Caroline (Cookie)
Bielski, Jeff

Showcase night we owned the town
The year our team won the crown
We still have these moments to remember

Bongard, Burt
Bork, Frank
Brenner, Carole
Brenner, Steve
Brown, Roy
Brown, Wilma
Burress, Gerald Ray (Jerry)
Butz, Jerry
Calder, Helen Clare
Calvin, Lynne
Calvin, Richard (Dick)
Caramanian, John
Clark, Jack

Twin drive-in where we'd go
And somehow never watched the show
Bonded friendships in those memoried halls
The sock hops and fraternity balls
We still have our Woodward to remember

Clayton, Nancy
Cohen, Ben
Cohen, Michael
Cohn, Marsha Ann
Corn, Linda Ann
Dehart, Barbara (Barbee)
Deutsch, Jeff
Dine, Janice
Diment, Marsha

Nights now past and other days
Have found us gone our separate ways
We still have our Woodward to remember

Earlywine, Richard
Effron, Gilbert
Ehoodin, Sharon (Shari) Malowitz
Farkas, Joe
Fix, John T.
Fowler, Austin
Fox, Bob
Franklin, Vicki
French, Carol
Gabor, Peter
Gershkovitz, Betsy Ackerman
Gettleman, Harriet

Now in the autumn of our years
And ranks thinning on shedding tears
We still have these classmates to remember...
(From: The Four Lads, Moments to Remember)

Glossner, Leanna  Jane "Le"
Goldhoff, Barry
Goldsmith, Charles
Goret, Kenny
Green, Frank
Greenberg, Gail
Gregg, Chuck
Gumenick, Shirley Ann
Guttman, Harold

Strolling through our auditorium just before they put the wrecker ball to our building,
I noticed, maybe for the first time - The beauty of the flowing,
art deco tile stairs and blond wood trim that forced remembrances
of Showcase, drama club and getting out of class for awards ceremonies.

Hall, Carol Ann
Hall, Graham
Haitz, Mary Ann
Hesse, Mike
Hoffman, Martha
Hopewell, Kathie
Houchens, Carol
Ishikawa, Terry

Afterward, and for the first time in 40 years,I strolled between those
memory flooded, lockered walls. To keep the tears away I
closed my eyes...but I could feel the jostling,
hear the shouts, laughs and bantering.

Jesse, James
Jones, Fred
Julian, Weldon
Kammann, Pat
Kassner, Marcia 
Katz, Barbara

Recollections, some forever melded to the sentimental portion of my mind,
forged visions of frat jackets, flattops, ankle length skirts and

Kaufman, Ivan
Kelly, Jack
Kissinger, William "Bill"
Kruse, Ada
Kuhnell, William Clifford "Cliff"
Leeds, Peter
Levine, Michael
Lewetch, Stephen
Longini, Charles
Luken, James

THERE! In the entry hall, next to the bulletin board
I was sure I saw Phi Beta brothers, Joe Farkas and Lee Fowler,
kidding with Phi Rho's Bobby Baden and Ricky Rose.

Matthews, John
Manas, Carolyn
Mann, Harvey
Marcus, Kenneth Neal
Marshall, Jim
Mayer, Liz
McAninch, Conrad

And, just for an instant, I know it was Terry Ishikawa,
a great grin to match his oversized shoe, as he hustled past Barb Katz,
in one of those soft angora sweaters.
I, and most other guys, I'm sure, always had a crush on her..

McArthur, Bob
McDorman, Paul
McNeal, Mary Ann
Mercer, Jim
Mercer, Owen
Metzcar, Bob
Mitman, Diane

I watched Lizzie Mayer, sweater tied around her shoulders
and packing an arm load of books, talking to everyone and anyone.

Monday, James
Morgan, Marilyn
Moorman, William
Morrison, Robert
Multner, Bill
Murphy, Lanny
Neat, Joan
Nebolsky, Paula
Niehaus, Ralph

I saw "carrot top" Mike Rand too. Only he was far removed,
fighting for control of a small plane. Roger Sherman, always
with the entertaining antics, slapped me on the back.

Ochs, Linda
Osgood, Jenny
Parett, Denny
Parrett, Sherman
Pavely, Mark
Porter, Lois
Quan, Ken
Ran, Ronald
Rand, Mike
Reinhard, Warren

And nobody will forget Jack Kelly's infamous
over-the-parked-cars-bloody-knuckles-fist-fight at Swifton.
And there was Charlie Goldsmith making a flip turn on his way
to helping bring "New" Woodward's first city championship.

Ries, William
Rodner, Mark
Rose, Ricky
Rosenstein, Stuart
Samuels, Jerry
Sanders, Fay
Sands, Carol

Close your eyes and see Mike "Moto" Cohen, the gentle giant,
suited up for a game at Trechter Stadium.

Savery, Barbara
Sawert, Ulf
Schlesinger, Bill
Schnabel, Roger
Schultz, Fred
Schuman, Rita
Schwartz, Myron (Mike)
Schwartz, Sanford (Sandy)
Scott, Mary
Shallot, Fran
Sharfman, Jules
Sharp, Bruce

I miss each one, but I'm sure we'll all be together again...
at the final reunion.

Shaw, Linda
Sherman, Roger
Simpson, Steve
Smith, John
Smith, Judy
Smith, Stanley
Sommer, Garda
Spatta, Richard (Dick)
Stabner, Diana E. (Dee)
Sterling, Harold
Sterling, Harry
Stone, Charlotte
Straus, Michael
Swillinger, Barbara "Barb"
Tash, Suzan
Tilford, Arnold
Tessel, Gail
Tobin, Stuart
Toner, Mary Jo (Bratburd)
Wacksman, Bonnie
Wainer, Joan
Wasserman, Jay
Walker, Donald
Weiss, Perry (Pete)
Wiehe, Tom
Williams, Judy (Murray)
Williamson, Jerry
Wilson, Chuck
Winchell, Dave
Wolpa, Lou
Zacharias, June
Zeff, David M.



Recently, I attended a eulogy for a lost friend.
Somehow, the older I get the more of these there seem to be.
Oft-times a person is eulogized because of their tangible
accomplishments such as rising to high positions, earning peer
recognition, or accumulating money.

This brings up the question:
Is it better to be a good person or a person that does good things?
Maybe it’s all in the words of the eulogizer. . . or the definition of good?

So, who or what is a nice guy or gal? Maybe the description or meaning is
akin to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s definition of obscenity.
In deciding the Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964) case, the judge indicated he couldn’t define it,
but, he said, “I know it when I see it.” That’s the way it is with a truly pleasant
and heartwarming soul. Words can’t describe them, but you know it when they have touched your life.

 There is no question in my mind that all of these Memorial honorees were - to some - nice guys or gals.
As I scanned the room of long-time friends and classmates, I couldn’t help thinking
what would I say about any of them – or they about me?