Republicans might be deplorable or trash, but they’re smart enough to understand Trump’s MAGA approaches - his methods of conducting political, domestic and military matters by utilizing intimidation, outlandish claims and threats. Targets of these real or pseudo bluffs will not be in an advantageous bargaining position. Those who chastise this unorthodox, bullying, goal-oriented practice … just don’t get it.
By touting, for example, the takeover/purchase/annexation of Panama, Greenland, Canada, and/or changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico, DJT is taking the heat off his real agendas. Call it bait and switch, or just aggressive negotiation by a businessman – not a politician. As Trump publicly tenders these unorthodox plans the opposition, political or military, must divert resources that weakens them while exposing their possible response. Get it?
The masterful bluff is where the bluffee believes the charade is a bluff and relaxes his defense – just prior to the bluffer becoming the attacker. Some bluffs can be decided in seconds (is he going to hit me?) or decades – “We will bury you”. Bluffing is never a guarantee of winning and savvy competition can always counterbluff … but appeasers never win. Get it?
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network
2014: I exercised the right to have my mailbox relocated (.4-mile) to the junction of my property line and the public road. The box would then be within ½ mile of my house requiring the carrier to deliver packages (too big for the box) to the door.
2017: My neighbor (since moved) had a confrontation with the carrier by blocking his vehicle - violations of federal and state laws. The carrier did not report this to law enforcement – only to his superior - who then punished me by stopping all mail deliveries until I moved my box back to its previous location. He claimed the .4-mile portion of the road was unsafe, although UPS, FedEx, other delivery vehicles have never stopped making deliveries to the door.
2024: I was permitted to return the box to the property line, only to be forced again to return it to the distant location. I filed suit in Federal District Court charging the USPS treatment of me was arbitrary and capricious and in violation of my constitutional rights. The Cincinnati Enquirer covered my 10-year battle in a front-page story feature article 18 Dec 2024 .
Postal employee problems? I’d like to hear from you.
Chuck Klein, Columnist: American Free News Network