E-Mail Editorials 2015


Subject: Haaaappppy . . .
Date Sent: 29 Dec 2015
The really big news of 2015 has been about how some distillers have been filling used bourbon barrels with gin to gain a little of that whiskey and oak flavor. Sounds like a plan to me. But, then I thought why go to all the trouble of buying, hauling, pouring, draining and mixing gin in barrels – why not just add a splash of Knob Creek to my Bootles gin, sans the tonic, of course.
Say . . . that’s pretty good stuff . . . maaaybee I’llll trrry a litttle mooorrre. . . . . . .
Haaaaaapppppy . . . . . New . . . .something .
Chuck Klein
Subject: Christmas - There is no other day like it
Date Sent: 22 Dec 2015
Being Jewish, I hold to the same values and believe in the same G-d as fellow compatriots of the Christian faiths and thus applaud and honor their right to celebrate this day that stands for the good in mankind and our common values that make this country what it is. As we face tumultuous times over religious issues, devotion to our G-d has never wavered and the answers to our prayers are surely within our grasp.
Therefore, to my Christian friends, as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, I truly wish you a happy, fulfilling and merry Christmas. And, should you wish me the same, I will take that as a great compliment as in, here is a fellow, G-d-fearing, Judeo-Christian-valued American wishing me a good day. Thank you.
For all the little kids who are able to grasp the concept of Santa Claus and really don't understand religious matter: Enjoy. It's the only time in your life you will be happily conned and guilt free.
To religious zealots trying to force their beliefs on us with terroristic tactics; you are not only forsaking biblical truths, but are exhibiting your own insecurities.
Chuck Klein
Subject: Post CNN2 Debate Observations
Date Sent: 16 Dec 2015
1) America is far behind electronic surveillance - not technology-wise but political-wise. We have handcuffed our LE community with PC and have hidden behind the Constitution. The world has changed and so must we. Playing by the rules – while we were the rule enforcer - worked well right up to the 21st Century, then things began to get out of hand.
2) The single question that fails to come up in any debate: Where is ISIS getting its weapons, ammunition and cell phones? We know they don’t have the abilities to manufacture it themselves, therefore it has to be coming from other countries, especially Russia, India and China. Shutting supply lines down will surely bring confrontations that none of the traditional (Republican or Democrat) party candidates are prepared to deal with.
3) Republicans are unified in keeping out Islamic terrorists, but divided on labeling all Muslims as such. Until we can effectively and efficiently distinguish between them, we have to err on the side of a safe USA and treat all Muslims as a danger.
Chuck Klein
Subject: Armageddon?
Date Sent: 15 Dec 2015
Armageddon: “Bible the place where the last, decisive battle between the forces of good and evil is to be fought . . . .” (Webster’s New World Dictionary, 3rd College Ed.)
President Obama has been saying that to hold all Muslims accountable for the criminal acts by Islamic Muslims plays into the hands of these terrorist. Perhaps. Perhaps, however, it might be playing into the hands of many Americans who also want a conclusive and final confrontation.
Now might be the most opportune time – before ISIS acquires nukes by taking Pakistan or Iran develops the their own nuclear weapons. With effectual offensive planning we can keep this battle away from our shores.
Chuck Klein
Email Editorials
Subject: The UnAmericans
Date Sent: 8 Dec 2015
It does not make a difference whether an American is white, black, Jewish, Baptist, Catholic, Hispanic . . . we’re Americans first. This unique notion is what creates a bond that we must stick together to remain united and strong. In other words, if, for instance, should a Jewish American assault a person because he/she is not Jewish, we know the rest of the Jewish Americans would strongly condemn that illegal and unwarranted criminal action.
This bonding, this stick-togetherism, seems to apply to everyone except Muslims. Since the onset of the war with ISIS, we have experienced the refusal of Muslim Americans to come together – to rally – against other Muslims who are regularly killing Catholics/blacks/Jews/Baptists . . . .
These un-American Muslims should be isolated and expelled. That’s not discrimination, that’s not profiling – that’s self-preservation and common sense. While innocent Americans die our leaders tender only rhetoric. Yeah, yeah the Constitution. Martial Law trumps (no pun intended) all civil rights.
Chuck Klein
Email Editorials
Subject: A New Country
Date Sent: 1 Dec 2015
At the end of WWI, the winners divided up the loser’s land tracts which led to such countries as Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Israel, Iraq, et al.
How ‘bout if we take a chunk of Syria (nuke it clear) and create UN enforced borders where all Islamics, sans weapons, shall be relocated/interned? Of course a bunch of non-combatants, including children, will be killed, but probably far less than were killed in WWI, WWII or since the start of the Islamic uprising. This way ISIS gets what it wants, their own caliphate, and the rest of the world gets some chill time.
The new country, ISIS, can use its oil money to purchase infrastructure rebuilding stuff which benefits the world’s economy while isolating the current serious threat to all others. Yeah, I know Germany reemerged as the Nazi era, but it took them 20 years.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Times Have Changed
Date Sent: 24 Nov 2015
In 1964, Bob Dylan wrote and recorded the song, The Times They Are A-changin'.
Welcome to changed times. Plans for surviving today’s global, religious-inspired, mass-murderous warfare is not in the playbook of the good-ol’-boy/gal, professional politician. Facing a enemy that is dutifully holy, but has no respect for ethical, moral or supreme-being values of others dictates the need for a leader with the gumption, grit and outside-the-box thinking to overcome the challenges of these changed-time.
Changed Times Solution: A diss ISIS propaganda campaign to convince Islamic terrorist wannabes that Islam is not what it seems. For instance, reporting that captured terrorist, along with their immediate families, have been stripped naked and then executed. Or perhaps intentional misquotes from the Koran indicating killing innocents is against Allah’s will. Reports such as these should be widely disseminated, and often, via the legitimate press as well as social media.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Just the Facts
Date Sent: 17 Nov 2015
During the recent Democrat debate, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Saunders and Martin what’s-his-name all agreed that Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Crimea and Libya are a total mess.
Fact 1: It is the Executive Branch that determines foreign policy and is in charge of the military;
Fact 2: the Democrats have had control of this branch for the past 7 years, thus totally responsible for clearing up this mess;
Fact 3: Hillary was the Secretary of State during most of this time.
Fact 4: Not only has BO failed in handling foreign affairs, but POTUS aspirant Hillary Clinton, specifically, has demonstrated her lack of abilities at foreign policy. We don’t need someone with foreign policy experience, we need someone with foreign policy skills.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Looks Count
Date Sent: 11 Nov 2015
Many voters put a lot of stock (usually subconsciously) on looks, demeanor and body language. My take:
Jeb Bush: Fails to look at the camera (you/me) and appears as defeatist when being shushed by Trump.
Marco Rubio: To short with big ears and a plastered down hair piece.
Ben Carson: Over calm. Can’t see him facing down any of our despotic enemies (maybe with a hammer?).
Carly Fiorna: To make up for being small and a mite shrill, she is uses extra forceful patriotic rants.
John Kasich: The opposite of Carson – never calm and always at the boiling point. Hunched over.
Donald Trump: Nothing intimidates him. As President, he might get us into a lot of tough situations, but he’ll also get us out. Big, powerful and has good looks.
Ted Cruz: Slick looking – like a used car salesman.
Ran Paul: Has that “it” factor that will attract many women voters.
Hillary Clinton: Shrewish. Not in the same class as Golda Meir and Margret Thatcher.
Bernie Sanders: Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Fundamental Difference
Date Sent: 3 Nov 2015
Conservatives recognize that the Constitution is a living, breathing document. Living insofar as it lives to protect the rights granted and acknowledged therein; breathing inasmuch as it is open to change. However, they insist this change is subject to the rule of law, i.e., new amendments.
Liberals also claim our Constitution is a living, breathing document. They believe it lives as a guide and breathes by being modifiable - to change with the times. They assert that the courts and legislatures have the power and duty to adjust conditions that are explicitly defined by the Constitution. For example: they hold that the 2nd Amendment refers to firearms in use in the 1700s and, because times have changed, statutes should be allowed to restrict modern weapons.
You might be a liberal if you believe we should ignore the 5th Amendment and try someone for the same crime twice by calling it something different, e.g., murder/civil rights – oh, wait they already did that.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Republican Debate #3
Date Sent: 29 Oct 2015
All the Republicans did very well. The losers, as Marco Rubio put so well, are the media – the Democrats “ultimate Super Pac.” This, and similar comments, got strong applause from what had to be a liberal college town audience. One of CNN’s commentators, after the debate said: “It’s time we start paying attention to the Republicans.” No duh.
The problem insider-Republicans face – as they have faced before – is their stated desire to reduce the size of the government (which, in fact, is too big). That’s an erroneous direction because the single largest group of voters are government employees or those indirectly dependent on government funds. These voters will not vote for a person who plans to eliminate their job. Trump, Carson and Fiorina, being outsiders, championed economic growth.
The number of voters impacted by government-originated funds is directly proportional to the proliferation and power of government and inversely proportional to the ideals of a republic."
Klein's Laws
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Pot Questions
Date Sent: 27 Oct 2015
Colorado legalized marijuana and Ohio is poised to do the same. All of the growers and sellers must deal only in cash to pay their employees, suppliers, landlords, etc. Because money from pot businesses is still against the federal law, federally insured banks won’t accept MJ accounts. In other words, it’s okay for MJ workers, renters and others to accept this contraband money, but not the banks. Here’s the issue: The state and the feds expect to collect taxes on the profits of these illegal operations – in cash. How can this be?
Are others who deal within non-legal bounds exempt from taxes? Suppose a heroin dealer wanted to come clean and pay his taxes; would the government accept his ill-begotten money? How ‘bout a bank robber – wouldn’t the bank he stole the money from get first dibs on the money? Could a bank robber or heroin dealer deduct business expenses such as the get-away car for the former and the services of protection money for the latter?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Police & PR
Date Sent: 23 Oct 2015
Relations between police and the public have deteriorated to a significant low. Today, LEOs are being asked to be far more than originally designated or legally required to do. State constitutions, per se, require sworn officers to enforce the law – not save OD’d junkies or coddle criminals.
The police profession has been lax in championing their primary stature as law enforcers. Perhaps the various FOPs, police agencies and the media could begin a public relations campaign to educate the public that the time to argue or question police action is not on the street.
There might be a significant and positive increase in relations between the public and LEOs if citizens were made aware that all that is needed to keep confrontations in check is not to ignore lawful orders such as: Halt, show me your hands, freeze, don’t move, keep your hands where I can see them.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: How Many Lifetimes?
Date Sent: 20 Oct 2015
It was reported that actor Paul Newman, at the end of his life, said: “It’s been one hell of a ride.” No doubt, as he had an extraordinary existence. Most of us (seniors) have encountered different lifetimes – periods that are starkly distinctive – growing up, early career, marriage and family, moving on, settling in, grandchildren . . . .
Perhaps we weren’t as famous as Mr. Newman, but our experiences have made us who we are. Recalling these compartmentalized time spans, with all the euphoria and downsides, generates revelations as to how many different persons we have been. Some memories are forever melded to the sentimental portion of our mind while others are in dark corners always there for those melancholic bashes.
If we live long enough, surely we’ll look back on today’s era as just another unique lifetime. How ‘bout you; are you going to be able to say you enjoyed the ride? Me? I wouldn’t trade my Keds, loafers, wingtips, boots with anyone.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Democrat Debate
Date Sent: 14 Oct 2015
The men gave the impression of trying to be nice to Hillary ‘cuz they will want an appointment in her good-ol’-boys/gals cabinet if she’s elected.
Hillary looked and sounded good. Her strongest/weakest point is found in her statement that she intends to continue some of Obama’s programs. She didn’t want to talk about the “email issue” – surprise, surprise.
Jim Webb came across as a conservative, thus would be the most acceptable to Republicans and therefore hardest to beat.
The only difference between Bernie Sanders and the others: he freely admits to being a Socialist. We are a Republic, not a Democracy and certainly not a Socialist country. His animated rants about climate control and people rising up seemed like Al Gore on steroids, or that guy who throws open the window and screams, “I’m mad as hell and 'I’m not going to take it anymore.”
O’Malley also ran. Ditto the other guy on the stage who, unchallenged, claimed to have no scandals – makes you wonder who’s hiding what?
Sadly, the Democrat signature is still: It’s Bush’s fault.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Stock Purchase
Date Sent: 13 Oct 2015
One way to reduce the national deficit would be for the US Government to purchase a small % of shares of stock in each and every profitable company traded on the NASDAQ and NYSE.
That way, the dividends would go toward reducing the deficit while making the government a partner in a capitalist society rather than an adversary thus encouraging growth and prosperity for all.
Yeah, I know it’s not only outside the box and probably not realistic, but it just might stimulate someone else’s more pragmatic idea.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Thanks and . . . .
Date Sent: 6 Oct 2015
Some of the 300+ on my email list have asked why I write these weekly, or so, rants/observations. I do so because I just have to write down the thoughts that come into my head. Almost everyone has opinions . . . the trick to making a point on a complex issue is using a minimum number of words. Most people won’t take the time to read anything over about 175 words.The atta-boys, amens and challenges really make my day and help keep my perspective on reality – thanks.
Chuck Klein
Email editorials 2008-2015. Or, enter the key word(s) in the search block on any page of my site.
P.S. Today’s editorial: When Donald Trump threatens to send all illegal aliens out of the country, that’s not set-in-stone, that’s a negotiation start point. He can always reduce his aspiration to an agreed compromise. Whereas, other candidates begin in the middle by saying they support select conditions – they can only concede from there. Do we want a leader or a supervisor?
Subject: Executive Power to the nth
Date Sent: 29 Sep 2015
On 60 Minutes (9-27-2015), Donald Trump said, referring to the Free Trade treaties, “they must be fair – not free” and that if he considers a treaty to be unfair or illegal, then he doesn’t have to honor it. Thus, if elected President, he might declare many, many treaties/rules/laws to be so classified. In other words, using his Executive Branch power, he is going to pick and choose which treaties/rules/laws to enforce. Think tax codes, health care, imports/exports, social services, military.
Congress can pass any law they wish and SCOTUS may issue rulings en mass, but only the President has the power and right of enforcement. Oh sure, Congress can try to cut funding, but this selective-enforcement tactic is a significant negotiating tool.
Trumpers believe America has become the world’s chump. We have open borders, allow other countries to manipulate their currencies, steal our jobs, not help in policing the planet’s terrorists and polluters and . . . . We have been trying too hard to be all things to all people and it is catching up with us. The good-ol’-boys/gals have us heading down a negative path and though Trump may take us in a worse direction, he also might be our salvation.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Atonomous Driver
Date Sent: 22 Sep 2015
Technology has expanded to include motor vehicles that can drive themselves on highways. However, safety and liability remain as the main problems.
The designers of such vehicles might be missing a significant application that would not only be more feasible, but would be used under significantly safer conditions: the REMOTE PARKING VALET.
No one likes to park their car in giant lots or garages and then have to walk to the destination. The solution might be a valet type system whereas upon exiting an autonomous–driver vehicle, a REMOTE PARKING VALET device is placed on the seat. The device would be designed to interact with the vehicle's onboard computers. The RPV, then moves the car to a open spot in the parking arena. When the human driver wants the car back, he activates a remote control (issued when the RPV is placed in the car). The RPV then starts the car and drives it to the exit point. Shark Tank anyone?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Debate 2
Date Sent: 17 Sep 2015
The biggest loser of the 2nd Republican debate was CNN. They not only failed to regularly post the candidates name while he or she was speaking but they seemed have an agenda of stir-the-pot – get the Republicans to fight among themselves rather than debate the issues. At the closing they ran the line: “Republicans clash. . . .” Though there was some infighting, the Republican candidates didn’t swallow the bait and conducted a quite civil debate. CNN also allowed too much how-great-I-am speeches (especially from Kasich).
Winners: Marco Rubio. Though Trump was CNNs obvious target, he held on even tendering what could be called apologies to a few he’s insulted. Trump promised a detailed strategy in two weeks – let’s see if he delivers. Ben Carson was poised as usual, but he still doesn’t come across as someone who could face down a murderous despot. He also is out of touch with reality by insisting on his simplified tax reform – it ain’t gonna happen ‘cuz it would put too many tax lawyers, H&R Block employees, accountants and IRS agents out of business. Tax reform has to come incrementally.
Carly Fiorina was a clear winner. She tendered real solutions and shunned posturing until forced to defend herself which she did very well.
The rest of them are just good ol’ boys – members of the club, guys who don’t want to rock the boat or bite the hand that feeds them.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Craven Infiltrators
Date Sent: 15 Sep 2015
The current influx of mostly Muslim men into Europe begins the end of the Western world-as-we-know-it. Not only will these interlopers adversely impact Europe’s welfare and medical systems, but they will alter the social, cultural and – especially - security of the entire continent. America is now heading down that same path as the Obama administration ramps up the number of Mideast refugees allowed to infiltrate us. (WSJ)
Though their Muslim countries are in chaos due to despotic and religious wars, these men should be in their homeland fighting for their freedom. To do otherwise is craven cowardice and is justification enough to intern them until they can be returned from whence they came.
Not only are they cowards, but they are also criminals. Felons, not just for illegal entry, but they are guilty of child endangerment and domestic violence for launching women and children in non-seaworthy boats – so they don’t have to stay and fight.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Religion & Government
Date Sent: 8 Sep 2015
The jailing of a Kentucky County Clerk by a Federal Judge for her refusal to marry gay/lesbian couples because it is against her biblical beliefs is wrong. The remedy is for the State of Kentucky to remove her from office for non-feasance (there are no exceptions – even if the law changes after taking the oath of office).
The clerk is wrong inasmuch as we live in a Republic and as such are beholden to our Constitution. This Constitution is interpreted by the Judicial Branch of which the Supreme Court has the final say. SCOTUS has ruled that gay and lesbian couples have the Constitutional right to civil marriage. Right, wrong, good or bad, that’s the law of the land today. Only the Congress or a constitutional amendment can change it.
If the Clerk is allowed to defy the law of the land, then what’s to prevent another clerk from refusing marriage/gun/building/etc. licenses to Catholics, Baptists, atheists, Jews, Muslims, blacks, veterans . . . . because of her/his religious beliefs?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: A Jewish Question
Date Sent: 1 Sep 2015
The Protestants actively seek converts; Catholics, for centuries, have sent missionaries to foreign lands to foster their religion; the Muslims, as of late, are on a vendetta to convert or kill infidels. Recently a Christian friend ask me: Why haven’t the Jewish people, per se, sought converts to their religion?
I certainly don’t profess to speak for all Jews, but the answer might be perhaps it’s because:
1)They are comfortable as the Chosen People and don’t feel the need to champion their beliefs.
2) Their doors are always open to receive anyone who wishes to return to the fold; to revert to their roots.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Strong Leader Needed
Date Sent: 25 Aug 2015
The South, citing the 3/5s clause in the Constitution, fought the Civil war to maintain their free workforce (slaves). The North attacked, basing its power on the “All men are created equal” line in the Declaration of Independence. Each side truly believed they were within their legal rights.
The North prevailed because of a very strong leader, Abraham Lincoln. He used his executive powers to seize telegraph messages, incarcerate persons on mere suspicion, raid the treasury to finance war supplies and other constitutionally questionable matters.
Today, we are also divided by subjective rights enumerated in the same documents such as: gun control, free speech, immigration, abortion, border control, foreign policy, ISIS . . . . It will take a very strong leader to rectify and reunite the Republic. None of the current candidates on either slate have the chutzpah, gumption, fearless bravado and lack of political bondage to rise to the occasion. There is one possible exception – Donald Trump. He might not be an Abe Lincoln, but he ain’t no toe-the-party-line, don’t-make-waves good ol’ boy.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Hillary
Date Sent: 18 Aug 2015
Mrs. Clinton alleges to have many years of experience in foreign policy not only as the wife of a 2-term president, but as Secretary of State in her own right. This latter position reminds us of the assembly line worker who spent a year inserting bolt ‘A’ into slot ‘B’ and claims to have 1 years experience. No, he has one weeks experience 52 times.
Though Mrs. Clinton admits to making at least one Mistake, some of the most disastrous foreign policy Failures in the history of the United States occurred on her watch. Regardless of her level of familiarity, America does not need someone with foreign policy experience; America needs someone with foreign policy skills.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Polls
Date Sent: 11 Aug 2015
I never partake of polls because: If they have either my name, email, phone or address they will have enough info to steal/compromise/sell my other personal identity. I believe there are a lot of people out there that feel the same way. That leaves poll participants – those with nothing to lose – as the ones providing the opinions that might sway others.
Pollsters want to please the one paying the bill. For example, suppose the customer, XYZ, wants to know if people like XYZ Widgets. A savvy pollster could take two polls – the second eliminating most of the people who don’t like XYZ Widgets. In other words, they don’t poll persons known to hold a prejudice against a certain product/politician/position. In still other words, taking polls places you in categories that preclude inclusion/exclusion in future polls in order to gain the desired results of the pollsters.
Finally, if you are from a predominantly red/blue area, you don’t think for a minute that red pollsters will poll you for a blue candidate or vise-versa?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Special Day
Date Sent: 4 Aug 2015
This may come as a shock to some, but I now firmly believe:
1) Taxes should be increased on everyone making more than median level income;
2) The Iranian deal will make America and Israel stronger;
3) Abortion clinics should be allowed to harvest and sell fetal tissue and body parts;
4) Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy;
5) Barrack Obama is a great President.
Oh yeah, in case you forgot, today is opposites day! Have a lousy day :(
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Empires
Date Sent: 28 July 2015
The Roman empire lasted 400 years. The Ottoman Empire, after 650 years, failed to keep up with modern technology and thus caved to European imperialism. Following 500 years of British world domination they became a mite thinly spread while the Third Reich, a bit over-reaching, existed less than a generation.
America has only been a world power for about 100 years, but it is facing unprecedented challenges in multiple fields. Can we survive – can any country or people withstand today’s complex and ever-changing everything?
Although some believe world power is a negotiated commodity; WMD, terrorist and hackers under the control of devious individuals and tiny countries tend to proven otherwise.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Unanswered Questions
Date Sent: 21 July 15
1) It appears that all planets, moons and stars round. Why aren’t some square, rectangular or other shapes?
2) Why are our domestic military bases self-defense-free zones? (and places of worship, too).
3) If Donald Trump commits a verbal act of dumbness while in a forest and nobody hears it, is he still wrong?
4) The recently negotiated Iranian treaty allows them to engage in arms trades when they have not renounced their intentions to destroy America, push the Israelis into the sea and convert or kill all Christians. The question is: Will the Democrats in Congress vote to support this pseudo foreign policy face-saving tactic?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Drug Victims?
Date Sent 14 July 2015
It seems almost nightly the news contains reports of a person who has OD’d on drugs. What usually makes it newsworthy are the instances where someone discovers the comatose subject and “heroically” administers life-saving techniques. Why?
If a person is dumb enough to waste their money by ingesting into their bodies (a temple), poison for the mere thrill of a temporary high then they should suffer the consequences of their action. Letting the fools die off rather than saving them only to have to expend, off-times, our money treating them . . . and again, and again, also makes us fools.
Locking away the traffickers hasn’t had much of an impact. Perhaps we should be locking up the users – that way the dealers and producers will lose their market and the users might have time to get their act together.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Gay/Lesbian Rights
Date Sent: 7 July 2015
Gays and lesbians sought, among their main reason for needing the marriage privilege, the same rights that heterosexual couples have. Rights such as tax breaks, being listed as next of kin on death certificates and other attributes granted exclusively to married heterosexual couples. They, unequivocally, should be treated equally – everyone should have these rights, married or single. In other words, why should single persons be taxed at a higher rate than those who have a spouse – hetero or non-hetero?
The simple solution is to do away with all such exclusivities requiring a marriage.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Dear G
Date Sent: 3 July 2015
Dear G...wait I can’t say god, ‘cuz the PC police might nail me. Lets start over. Dear leader of all the flag-waving/bleeding-heart/gay/straight/unisex/transgender/godless/believer/racist/race-baiters. . . please help. We are trapped on a planet that hasn’t seen the sun in 45 years.
Well, perhaps I exaggerated a mite. Though it seems like it, it hasn’t been quite 45 years and we aren’t really trapped and all of the above /people are my neighbors/friends/compatriots/fellow-citizens.
Besides, we can always drive to any of those places that enjoy sunshine - between floods, tornados, snow storms, forest fires, drought . . . lets start over again. Dear God, Who am I to complain? Thank you.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Happy 4th
Date Sent: 2 July 2015
* We Americans fight to right unrightable wrongs; this is our destiny, this is our grit.
* Facing the enemy, we’d rather stand tall than lie a coward, a craven coward, in our grave.
* If you see us comin’, better straighten up, a lotta foes didn’t and a lotta of ‘em died.
* Some plant taters, some plant cotton, some wear uniforms, none are forgotten; God has blessed America and Americans where ever they may be.
* The answers are not blowin’ in the wind, the answers, my friend, are in our collective American minds; so go ahead and look after your neighbor, go ahead and aid a friend.
* Ring that bell of freedom, hammer out justice and sing the song of love between our brothers and sisters; God has shed his grace on you and me and thee and thou.
* From Ohio and West Virginia to New Mexico and Maine; from Texas and Colorado to Vermont and Tennessee: This this is America; this is The United States; this is the land we love.
Inspired by the songs: High Noon, 16 Tons, The Impossible Dream, God Bless The USA, Old Man River, God Bless America, America The Beautiful, One Tin Soldier, Blowin’ In The Wind, This Land Is Texas, If I Had a Hammer.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Stars & Bars
Date Sent: 23 Jun 2015
The symbol of the Confederate States of America - and all that it stood for - is their flag. Many bastions of this southern conceit, including some state’s governing bodies such as South Carolina, still fly the flag with the star-filled blue X on a red background.
The Confederate flag might be a sign of racism or it may be a badge of pride, but most assuredly it is a representation of losers.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Trespassers
Date Sent: 18 Jun 2015
What would you do if someone squatted on your land; if they built a house or constructed roads and then allowed anyone to trespass upon your domain? Perhaps, you’d meekly move away and if the trespass continues in your new location, you might secure the services of an attorney and take them to court.
But, what if you can’t talk and there’s no attorney to speak for you? Most likely you’d be justified in resorting to whatever means are available, including violence, to repel these invaders so as to reclaim your homeland. Further, suppose that your violent actions cause the squatters to band together and using mechanical marvels, not available to you, hunt you down, relocate you, kill your kin or even work to exterminate your species.
If the “you” is a wild bear/wolf/coyote, et al, then the “trespassers” are urban sprawl builders, hikers, bikers, and/or campers.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Serial Story, Pt. 3
Date Sent: 16 Jun 2015
This is part three of a 3-part serialization of a story from my most recent book, WHERE THE OLD HIGHWAY HAD RUN, Classic Tales of the Road and Beyond. I realize this is a shameless promotion, but hey, it’s a good story from a great book of fun stories – no messages or politics.
So far: Jamie and Mabel are engaged and Jamie has gone to fight in WW2. The Pick-up is parked in the barn. The second owner, Butch, makes a hot-rod out of the The Pick-up, but dies in a crash. It’s now 1960 and The Pick-up ends up in a junk yard. If you enjoy it, you’ll like the book. Read slowly, it’s fiction – not an article.
© 2015 Chuck Klein
Sometimes you get lucky. I had never resigned myself to the junk yard mentality of my fellow prisoners as I always believed I'd be rescued. It was hot, late in the fall of 1989, when I winked a goodbye to the huge LaSalle. Norm, a jovial man who looked to be almost as old as Silas T. had looked the last time I saw him, carefully loaded me onto a trailer.
My next home was, well, better than the factory. It was clean, brightly lighted and had some very sophisticated tools and machinery. I just knew Norm and I were going be the best of friends. It took over two years, but in that time I was reborn! Even my assembly line mates would hardly recognize me. Normie - that's what his wife calls him - took me all apart, I mean every nut, bolt, flange, bushing - everything. He stripped my metal bare and then what he didn't primer and paint he chromed. I also received new fiberglass fenders, a new dropped front axle, a chopped top - it only hurt a little - rolled & pleated naugahyde interior and - ugh - another Chevy engine, but complete with supercharger. I loved it. I wanted to go by the junk yard and show-off.
In no time at all Normie sold me to a man who I'm ashamed to identify. A man whose smile never reaches his eyes. Almost every weekend he loads me into a closed trailer and tows me to a car show. He ropes me off so none of the countless admirers can caress my 27 hand-rubbed coats of lacquer or fondle my cute little stainless and wood steering wheel. Ah, this should be the life, no more hauling of any kind, frame stressing races or even getting rained on. Only trouble is I hate it. My engine, even though it's not a Ford, has never been started. Once when he had me sitting in his driveway a few of his friends came by in "real" hot-rods with engines that worked - I was so embarrassed. I long for just sitting at a Big Boy and maybe a few wheel spins in the lot, the wind at 100 per or the pleasure of a master who knows how to handle a street rod.
Say...if you see me at one of those frilly, trailer-queen, car shows, make my owner an offer he can't refuse, put some guts in my mill and let’s do it! I won't let you down.
Chuck Klein
Subject: Serial Story, Pt. 2
Date Sent: 11 Jun 2015
This is part two of a 3-part serialization of a story from my most recent book, WHERE THE OLD HIGHWAY HAD RUN, Classic Tales of the Road and Beyond.
So far: Jamie and Mabel are engaged and Jamie has gone to fight in WW2. The Pick-up is parked in the barn. If you enjoy it, you’ll like the book. Read slowly, it’s fiction – not an article.
Link to Part 1
© 2015 Chuck Klein
It was a long time before anyone opened that barn door again. Silas T. Wentworth, on that cold and windy day, looked gaunt and sad. A plump pimply faced kid, Mr. Wentworth called him Butch, kicked my tires, shook my fenders and looked me over then handed my first master a check. The next day Butch returned, winched me onto a trailer, and took me back into the big city.
Much to my surprise Butch began cleaning me and showing me off to his friends who came to visit the garage. It seems the garage is the headquarters for the Piston Busters Car Club. It wasn't long before Butch and friends had yanked my old and tired engine and with a little drilling, grinding and welding - the welding hurt - installed an almost new Corvette engine! Wow! Butch sanded off the old faded paint and applied a bright yellow primer, converted to hydraulic brakes and added fancy chrome wheels with new white-wall tires. Boy, if only my old assembly line mates could see me now! I'll bet even the police car would be envious.
Every time we went to the Big Boy drive-in all the other guys would gather around and admire me. Sundays, we'd go to the drag strip, and though it pained me to have that much pressure put on my rails, I loved it. Sometimes we even brought home a trophy! The speeds we reached were far more than Jamie and I had ever dreamed. Things weren't all that great though. A few of my body mounts were wearing out and the high output V8 engine, twisting against my rusty frame, gave me a lot of twinges. I was sure that someday I wouldn't be able to keep it together.
Other than that, life was pretty good - at least I didn't have to haul any smelly ol' hogs or dusty hay. But I did carry a few kegs of beer and a bunch of club members more than once. Butch always kept me in a garage and never let anyone else drive me, 'cept Carrie, his girl, and that was only on one occasion.
Late in the spring of '60 we were coming out of a high speed turn on the new subdivision road when one of my shock mounts broke. It caused me to lose control and we slammed into a stone wall bending my front axle and crumpling one fender. Butch broke my windshield with his head and leaked a sticky red oil all over my cowl and hood. He lay there for a long time before one of those stuck-up police cars and a shiny new ambulance arrived. Then things happened pretty fast and next thing I know they tow me to, of all places, a junk yard!
With a half century's worth of the formerly new and proud modes of transportation to trade stories with, I was never lonely. And though I was not happy with my situation at least I had had a more complete and exciting life than most of the other "junkers". But, I still had a lot of life left in me and I didn't want to spend forever with these rusty heaps.
Oh, sometimes somebody would come and look me over - shake me or kick my now flat tires, but mostly they just wanted my parts. As the years rolled by I lost my steering wheel, the good front fender, my radiator, engine - it was only a Chevy - and other items. My interior rotted away and the faded yellow primer - Butch never did get around to that metal flake paint job he had promised - rusted through in many places. At least I had the other cars to keep me company not like being shut in the Wentworth barn all alone. A once majestic LaSalle, the leader of the yard, because of the shade from a Maple tree that grew out of his trunk, became my best friend. He loved to tell of the times he chauffeured the Mayor and his important guests and friends around.
Chuck Klein
Subject: Serial Story, Pt. 1
Date Sent: 9 June 2015
This week and the following two weeks will contain a story (serialized) from my most recent book, WHERE THE OLD HIGHWAY HAD RUN, Classic Tales of the Road and Beyond. I realize this is a shameless promotion, but hey, it’s a good story from a great book of fun stories – no messages or politics.
THE PICK-UP is not about a truck, per se, but rather about how a truck if it were a person would view the world and other persons. It takes place over a span of years from 1937 thru the modern era. If you enjoy it, you’ll like the book. Read slowly, it’s fiction – not an article.
© 2015 Chuck Klein
From some quarry deep in Wisconsin, via cavernous ships, came the iron ore.
Compounded, mixed and incorporated with other raw ingredients from mines
as far away as the continent of Africa; the River Rouge's open hearth furnaces
formed the very heart of America's rolling stock. But it took the conscientious
and loving care of the meticulous assembly line workers to collate
these unique organs and create the real soul of each vehicle.
Early in January, 1937, number 3846, a pick-up truck, received its "soul". She came down the line and under the tender guardianship of the day shift, was bestowed the larger 85 horsepower V8 engine, Vermillion Red paint with black stripe and black "solid" wheels.
I felt good and rode proud and tall on the train to St. Louis where an elderly gentleman gently drove me to the show room at the Ford dealership just west of downtown. I didn't have to wait long, like the plainer coupes and sedans, some of which had to remain out in the rain and cold. On January 22, Number 3846, that's me, became the property of Mr. Silas T. Wentworth, a lanky and muscular farmer from up-state Missouri.
Silas T., his wife, Priscilla, and their son, Jamie, took pride in their first "new" car. The depression had been difficult but through hard work and very austere living they prospered. I heard Silas T. talking about how I, as their new addition to the family, would enable him to increase his market deliveries three fold over the horse and wagon.
Even hauling hogs to market was no strain for my powerful flathead engine, and return trips, empty except for a few supplies, made life easy and enjoyable. Mr. Wentworth. changed my oil and greased me on a very regular basis and Jamie kept me clean. The missus even made seat covers for me.
Things changed in 1940. Jamie turned 16 and began driving me to school and other places. Silas T. bought a heavy duty, dual-rear-wheel truck that soon became the pride of the family. Jamie was hard on me with all his quick starts and fast driving, but I knew I was having a better life than some of the others I'd see stuck by the roadway or - in junk yards! Once, when we went to town, I saw a sedan that had been right behind me on the assembly line. That sedan was now a police car with a spot light and a two-tone paint job. And, even though she was just a sedan, she turned up her nose at common pick-ups.
Jamie had a special girl and they often went out for rides together, only they spent more time parking than actually riding. They talked of marriage and how he was sure his dad would give him the pick-up and sign on a note so as he could buy the old Potter place.
We had a lot of fun, the three of us. Jamie and I once raced a Chevrolet out on the East River Road. We sprayed gravel all over that snooty looking Chevy, and doing almost 90, beat him by a country mile! Mabel, that's his girl, made him promise never to do that again because they would need me for farm use.
It was in my bed, on blanket covered straw, during the summer of 1942, they got engaged. Mabel was scared but Jamie promised to love her forever. They talked about the kids they wanted and how they would fix up the old Potter place, even a stall in the barn for me, when he got back.
It all seemed so perfect except that I was getting tired and one of my springs was starting to sag a little. Jamie sure looked sharp in that uniform with all those shiny buttons. I don't know why everyone was crying, even Mabel. The two men drove me to town. They shook hands, hugged, and Jamie patted me on my fender before he got into a bus. Silas T. brought me back, parked me in the lean-to where the surrey used to be, and disconnected my battery.
Chuck Klein
Subject: Selfish Suicides
Date Sent: 2 Jun 2015
Recently two persons, on separate and unrelated occasions, intentionally walked into the path of a semi-truck killing themselves. The usual media coverage of the grieving, wailing and handwringing friends and relatives of the suicide “victim” followed.
What never seems to surface is the grieving, wailing and handwringing of the eye-witnesses, EMS personnel who have clean up the mess, the truck drivers - and all of their families.
Compassion is expected for one who finds the need to take their own life, but no sympathy for those whose selfish act causes trauma and ill effects on innocents.
Perhaps if the suicide “hot-lines” and counselors laid a guilt trip on the suicide intendees, it might give them pause or at least reduce the number of those who grieve, wail and hand wring.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: The Pledge
Date Sent: 24 May 2015
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (with annotations)
I [me, personally] pledge [promise as an oath, vow] allegiance [loyalty, duty, devotion]
to the flag [the symbol, the representation] of the United States of America, [50 states joined together as one people]
and to the Republic [a nation that lives by the rule of law]
for which it [the Flag] stands, [not only do we pledge our allegiance to the flag and the Republic, but we promise our loyalty and devotion to the principles on which this Republic is founded],
one nation [united as a single people] under God, [a supreme being],
indivisible, [we will not be divided against ourselves. Facing all enemies we stand together - back to back, shoulder to shoulder, rich to poor, liberal to conservative],
with liberty [freedom, sovereignty, emancipation] and justice [equality, fairness, truth, adherence to the rule of law] for all [every one who is within our power to protect].
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Fighting
Date Sent: 20 May 2015
Motorcycle gangs are fighting . . . themselves;
Blacks are fighting . . . the police;
Illegals are fighting . . . to get in;
Politicians are fighting . . . to be elected;
The news media is fighting . . . for credibility;
Neo-Nazis are fighting . . . for recognition;
Criminals are fighting . . . the system:
Perhaps if they all joined together to fight ISIS, their world (and ours) would be a better place.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Horn Blow Time
Date Sent: 15 May 2015
Here’s a twist; a writer reviewing his own book – my 12th. Hey, you don’t believe I can be objective, fair and unbiased about my own stuff? Okay, so I’ll just stick to the facts. If you’ve enjoyed my political commentary in previous editorials – you will be disappointed – no politics in this work.
WHERE THE OLD HIGHWAY HAD RUN, Classic Tales of the Road and Beyond is an eclectic collection of illustrated short fiction and non-fiction stories most of which are illustrated by noted artist,
Jack Pumphrey. In addition, there are a bunch of cool photos. All of the stories are void of gratuitous sex, language and violence. There are plenty of car stories, love stories and even a few Twilight Zone types. Since we’re sticking to the facts, I have to share my favorite quote: “A brilliant writer, story teller and nice guy,” Mom.
Excerpts and early reviews are on the above site. The book is now available from Amazon.com, so pony up – it’s only money. Besides, I’ll bet you can’t read just one!
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Lives Tha Matter
Date Sent: 12 May 2015
We are facing a crisis in the policing of America. Prior to the facts being exposed, POTUS began the anti-police mind-set when he openly questioned LE with the statement that the Cambridge police “acted stupidly”. Then he fired up the bandwagon by calling Travon Martin a victim followed by biased and erroneous pre-judgment of the Michael Brown incident.
In a recent and short span of time, seven police officers have ,
been assassinated while on-duty and in uniform.
Police morale has decreased to the point that agencies are lowering standards, such as accepting non-citizens and those with past drug problems, in order to maintain authorized strength. Inasmuch as there are more minority voters than cops, the question is: Does the Democrat party and the decent, law-abiding Democrats really believe minority votes matter more than police officers lives?
Chuck Klein
Subject: Justice System Frustrations
Date Sent: 5 May 2015
Inflicting retribution is not in the job description of a LEO. Why do some cops do it?
Perhaps it’s the revolving-door syndrome – we arrest ‘em, the courts let ‘em go. We bust our butts (sometimes literally) to nab dirtbags only to see them right back on the street. In addition, society has saddled us with a belt full of less-than-lethal arrest options and even devices to inject criminals OD’ing on heroin making us nothing more than armed social workers. We’ve seen our standards to wear the badge lowered and worry how low they will go.
In contrast, those who protest police misuse of force are also frustrated with the criminal justice system. They seem to be of the mindset that even if you spit in an officer’s face, you should still be treated with respect and handled gently. They’re frustrated when a white-collar felon gets only a few years while a homeboy drug dealer is slammed for decades. They’re frustrated with the complex procedures of bringing criminal charges against LEOs, yet expect appeal upon appeal (at taxpayer expense) for convictions of crimes they commit. And they’re frustrated when agitators loot and burn their communities . . . and their own inability to stop the rampant cycle of poverty and crime.
1) LEOs: Back to basics. Ditch the Tasers, Stun-guns and Pepper Spray. Arrest the criminals, and, other than rudimentary first-aid, no more social services.
2) Schools: Develop show-respect-to-earn-respect citizenship classes beginning in elementary school and continuing through high school.
3) Government: Create adult citizenship classes in conjunction with WPA type work programs that also teaches trades. Funding to come from cuts to foreign aid.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Training Needed
Date Sent: 28 April 2015
Over the decades we have trained our police officers to use less-than-lethal instruments such as chemical mace, stun guns, rubber bullets and even to administer an antidote to a criminal OD’ing on heroin. With the recent deaths of unarmed law-breakers by police officers, more training is now being proposed.
Yeah, I know there are bad cops out there . . . just like there are bad doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs. But voiding stop-and–frisk tactics, profiling, making social workers out of cops and removing force from law enforcement hasn’t been working well.
Perhaps we have been training the wrong people. Might it improve civility, safety for all and lawful behavior if we trained civilians on what to expect if they engage in criminal activity or refuse the lawful order of a LEO?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Mixed Signals
Date Sent: 21 April 2015
By 1939 Nazis were identified, labeled, accused and attacked. One significant difference between then and now is the Islamic enemy is encouraging Muslims to kill and commit mayhem in America. Suppose Hitler had put out the word that all German-Americans wreck havoc in the USA? Do you think FDR would have ignored this internal threat or not developed profiling measures?
Our FBI has been arresting persons for attempting to visit Syria in order to train as Islamic terrorist – over here. If the FBI believes these Islamic trainees are a national threat, why hasn’t BO made the same declaration?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Early Line: 2016
Date Sent: 14 April 2015
Republicans: Rand Paul just because he has the look of the “it” factor.
Democrats: Hilary has too much baggage – she would be the easiest to beat. Her main campaign will be: “It’s time for a woman President.” That may be, but it won’t be her. She an elitist with long list of enemies – America Doesn’t need that.
This past Sunday, 60 Minutes included an interview of Caroline Kennedy. Now there’s a real possibility: She has poise, foreign policy experience – and the name. The only unknown is her grit when it comes to the down & dirty part of politics, and, of course, her interest in running.
The slant against Republicans will remain in the main stream media. Least objectionable is ABC and their anchor, David Muir. Most bias is Scott Pelly, CBS. His distain while watching the Republican sweep in the last election was so un-American (he still calls Travon Martin a murder victim). NBC, since Brian Williams, has not established whether they have a standing.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: General Welfare
Date Sent: 7 Apr 2015
If you are stupid enough to:
* OD on drugs;
* Over-eat to the point of obesity;
* Commit a crime;
* Spend more than you can afford;
You’re part of the problem. It’s not the duty or obligation of society to bail you out or render any assistance what-so-ever. The line in our Constitution, “provide for . . . the general welfare” doesn’t mean you specifically or individually: It means: protect the rest of us from your stupidity.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Resurrection
Date Sent: 4 April 2015
As Jesus suffered on the Cross, he cried out, “Father, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). In retrospect it appears that G-d’s plan was a Resurrection that would unify and build a following. Without such traumatic incidents, Christianity might not have proliferated.
When the European Jews were being slaughtered during the Nazi regime, they too, were mystified as to why G-d ignored their plight. Had Hitler not singled out the Jews - had he considered them just ordinary citizens - the resurrection of Israel surely would not have come about. The traumatic events of the Holocaust might have been G-d’s plan to compel the resettlement of The Promised Land by His Chosen People.
Could it be G-d’s plan that Islam’s rise is the traumatic event that triggers Christians and Jews to unite and resurrect world peace?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Musical Film Noir
Date Sent: 1 April 2015
Twenty-fifteen celebrates 50 years of the film, The Sound of Music. This feel-good entertainment still remains uniquely enchanting and enthralling. During a magical span of ten years we were privileged to such musical lollipops as West Side Story, Oklahoma, South Pacific, My Fair Lady, The King and I and many others; some of which insightfully touched on society ills. Like kids in a world-sized candy store we movie goers, during this special time, were historically oblivious.
The genius of the music, lyrics and choreography of this era created an unparalleled period that now spans generations. When the plays became movies and then were available on VHS, we bought them to show our children – under threat of death (ours, not theirs). Now, we DVR them (under the same threat) for the pleasure of our grandchildren all of which have become fans of these memorable song/dance/story shows.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Exodus
Date Sent: 24 Mar 2015
There has been recent talk (again) about Jews leaving Europe and other places (The Atlantic) to make Aliyah (move to Israel). Some Christians actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel, as a means of fulfilling a Biblical prophecy that has been common in Protestant circles since the Reformation.
More worrisome is the wishes of Iran and other enemies of Israel. They want the Jews to gather in Israel
so as when they Nuke them there will be fewer Jews for them to hunt down in the rest of the world.
Well, the Jews have been here for 6000 years and have been the target of annihilation/slavery for thousands of those years and yet still survive. The Messiah is coming/returning and it is my firm belief that where ever they may be, because they are the Chosen People, the Hebrews - Jewish people - will continue on.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Who's a World Leader
Date Sent: 19 Mar 2015
World leaders must have the grit of a police officer, the instincts of a gambler and the strategy of a general.
The Israeli PM, who hasn’t lost a war, is smart enough to keep his cards close to his chest. Just because he says he won’t negotiate with Iran or accept a Palestinian state doesn’t mean he won’t. And, like a cop, Bibi Netanyahu exudes integrity in the face of lethal crisis.
President Obama hasn’t won a war, has had his bluff called, broadcasts his intentions and blames his predecessor when things go south. The question is: how can there be American citizens who not only still think he knows what he’s doing, but insist Netanyahu doesn’t?
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Relevance
Date Sent: 17 Mar 2015
While most of us strive for social relevancy;
Geniuses disregard it,
Criminals can’t comprehend it
and the homeless are unable to accept it.
Subject: Knowledgeable Citizen Test, Part II
Date Sent: 11 Mar 2015
HERE'S PART II (answers below)
14) Exercising your right to self-defense when under attack, and when there is no other option, shooting to wound is:
a) Not recommended because it is nearly impossible, under stress of a lethal force incident, for even the best of marksmen to stop a deadly attack by intentionally wounding;
b) Not recommended because wounded persons can be very dangerous. A wounded person may not cease his/her life threatening actions and can intentionally or unintentionally kill innocent bystanders;
c) Not recommended because the most effective means of immediately stopping a deadly assault is by causing your bullets to strike the largest area - center mass - of your assailant's body;
d) All of the above;
e) Rather than risk a murder charge or the taking of another's life, shooting to wound is the legally preferred method of dealing with lethal force encounters.
15) During a lethal force incident the last thing a morally responsible, prudent person wants to do is:
a) Be Killed;
b) Be labeled a coward;
c) Kill another person;
d) Lose his license to CCW.
16) From less than 15' away a stranger, for no apparent reason, raises a knife above his head, starts toward you while shouting at you, "I'm going to kill you." You have a handgun, cannot escape. Your primary objective is to:
a) Kill the man with gunfire;
b) Stop the man with gunfire;
c) Shoot the man in the leg or knife hand;
d) Prepare to grab his knife hand while kicking him in the groin.
e) Draw you gun, but do not shoot until he has actually injured you.
17) Jury Nullification means:
a) The right and power of a jury to judge the constitutionality of the law;
b) The right and power of a judge to nullify the decision of a jury;
c) In cases where the issue of self-defense is raised, the jury is nullified from issuing a decision;
d) The legal term when the vote of a juror is nullified by the majority of the other jurors.
18) The "self-evident truths," mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, include:
a) That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;
b) That all men are created equal;
c) Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness;
d) All of the above;
e) Both b) and c).
19) The Declaration of Independence mentions, "unalienable rights"; Some of which are:
a) The right to own personal and real property;
b) The right of inheritance and bequeathment;
c) The right to protect yourself, your property and your family;
d) All of the above;
e) None of the above. Only rights specifically mentioned are protected.
20) Article I, Section I of the Constitution declares, "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in _________"
a) The Executive Branch;
b) The House of Representatives;
c) The Senate;
d) All of the Above;
e) Both b and c.
21) Article II, Section 4 says: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and ___________."
a) Felonies;
b) Misdemeanors;
c) Violations of the Law;
d) None of the above, the sentence ends with the word, "crimes".
22) The killing of one human being by another is called:
a) Murder;
b) Negligent homicide;
c) Excusable homicide;
d) Justifiable homicide;
e) Any of the above.
23) The purposeful and unlawful killing of one human being by another is called:
a) Murder;
b) Homicide;
c) Excusable homicide;
d) Justifiable homicide;
24) American gun owners want everyone to own guns:
a) Period;
b) Who want to own guns;
c) Who want to own guns and who are not precluded by law (drug abusers/alcoholics/felons, etc) from owning guns;
d) Who want to own guns, but only if they are licensed by their state.
25) The American right to keep and bear arms is inherent; which means:
a) It is subject to state regulations;
b) It is subject to Federal regulations;
c) Not subject to any restrictions inasmuch as it is an intrinsic or basic right;
d) Right to keep and bear only the arms as they existed at the time the Constitution was written.
26) If somehow, magically, all guns would vanish from the earth:
a) We would be free of all crime and violence;
b) There would still be thugs and criminals who would use bats, bricks, knives, etc., to terrorize the those physically unable to defend themselves;
c) The police would be better able to protect us because they wouldn't have to fear being shot;
d) None of the above, there would be no impact on society.
27) Many anti-gun people fear guns by:
a) Creating defense mechanisms to satisfy irrational beliefs of the infallibility of police protection;
b) Attempting to regain control of their fears by controlling gun owners, whom they perceive as the enemy;
c) Harboring dislike of persons who are willing and able to prevent their own victimization;
d) All of the above.
28) Guns in the hands of civilians licensed to carry a concealed weapon account for:
a) The prevention of tens of thousands of crimes per year;
b) The deaths of hundreds of police officers per year;
c) The saving of many lives per year;
d) None of the above;
e) Both a and c.
29) The 14th Amendment clause, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;", means:
a) The privilege class of U.S. citizens do not have to comply with state laws;
b) The term "state" in this clause refers to foreign states (countries) and as such these foreign "states" can't enforce laws against U.S. citizens.
c) This clause does not exist.
d) No state of the United States can pass or enforce laws that take away any rights held by or granted to citizens of the United States.
14) d. Shooting the gun out of the attacker's hand or other "trick" shots are only found in the movies.
15) a. The "second" to last thing a morally responsible, prudent person wants to do is kill another person - but the last thing he wants to do is be the victim. Everything else is tied for 3rd place.
16) b. Saving yourself from eminent death or great bodily harm is only accomplished by STOPPING the attacker. If he dies as a result of your legal action, tough cookies. If your purpose is to kill him - you might be have to answer to criminal charges relating to willfully killing a person.
17) a. Judges are reluctant to disseminate this little known right and jury power because many of them believe juries lack sufficient education for deciding the intricacies of the law.
18) d. Every American should have these unalienable/inalienable rights imprinted on his mind.
19) d. Though these, and many other rights, are not specifically enumerated (listed) in the Constitution, they are nonetheless bona fide, unalienable - cannot be taken away - rights.
20) e. Only the Congress (the House and the Senate) have the power to make laws. Though it has yet to be addressed by the courts, Presidents have issued executive orders which have the same impact and effect of a law duly enacted by Congress. An example of such "law" was President Clinton's restricting the importation of certain firearms.
21) b. It is well established that, while in office, Bill Clinton committed perjury, a misdemeanor, in the "Monica Lewinsky matter." Those Senators who voted not to convict in his impeachment trial were not fulfilling their oath of office to uphold the Constitution.
22) e. Reasons for taking the life of another human ranges from Murder (unlawful and willful) to Negligent Homicide (your fault auto accident) to Excusable homicide (willful but legal, such as the executioner at the state prison) to Justifiable homicide (you were justified because he was trying to kill you).
23) a. If you killed someone on purpose, but legally (such as in defense of your life), then it's Justifiable. But if the purpose was not legal (during a bank robbery, you shot the teller) then it's Murder.
24) c. American citizens who are law abiding and subscribe to the rule of law - our Constitution - believe everyone WHO WANTS TO and is of the legal age and who is not impaired by mental deficiency, alcohol, drugs or has not committed crimes of violence, has the right to exercise their Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.
25) c. We have, via the 9th Amendment, the inalienable (cannot be taken away) right to protect ourselves, our family and our property. Just as inherent (essential character, settled habit, intrinsic) is the right to use what tools (firearms) are available to secure or exercise any and all of our rights. To put it still another way, if one has the right to life but no pragmatic way of enforcing this right, then one has no right to life at all.
26) b. As testimony to the prison population, there are many bad and mean people out there. Removing guns from society will only make it easier for them to prey on the elderly and weaker members of society. When confronted by a thug, historically and currently, it's the firearm that is the best tool to level the playing field.
27) d. The problem is not that there are many of these psychologically and mentally confused persons in our country, it's that they want to force the rest of us to adhere to their warped perception by enacting and enforcing unconstitutional laws.
28) e. The anti-gun press has been quite successful in keeping these numbers from circulation. The NRA, for over 50 years, has been publishing, monthly, documented accounts of instances where a gun was used (not necessarily fired) to save a person. John Lott's book, "More Guns, Less Crime" further certifies the vast number of times a firearm has been used as a defensive tool.
29) d. If one has a right, such as the right to keep and bear arms or to self protection, as a citizen of the USA, then no state of the United States can take that right away. State laws that restrict an American citizen's right to own, use or carry any firearm are in contravention to this mandate.
0-2 Missed: Well Educated Patriot. I'd trust my backside to you.
3-5 Missed: We can stand together.
6-11 Missed: Some Serious Study is needed.
More than 11 Missed: You might be part of the problem and a danger to the American Way of Life.
(from my Guns & Ammo column July 2001)
Subject: Short History
Date Sent: 3 Mar 2015
For the most part, after WW2, America became the world’s economic, cultural and military superpower. To maintain this status we positioned our military bases where we thought it advantageous for world peace. This didn’t set well with the Islamic Arabs. It was not just our troops this enemy finds so offensive – it’s likely the frustration they suffer because they cannot escape the effects of western culture that so rapidly spreads via the electronic media. Due to this aggravation, they believe their only recourse is to conquer the world where they can force their concepts (Sharia Law). Though boots on the ground has been our mantra, it is costly in the number of American soldiers killed and wounded.
Enter Barack Obama. He told us from the start the threat to America would diminish when we removed our troops and begin talking. In other words: negotiate with those who do not acknowledge Judeo-Christian values.
It should be clear the Obama “be nice” plan doesn’t work as evidence the escalation of terrorist activity and Iran’s continuation of nuclear weapon plans. The only tactic that has ever proved successful in ending a major war with almost no loss of American lives is strategically placed nuclear bombs.
Subject: It Has Begun
Date Sent: 27 Feb 2015
The Christians have always supported Israel, if for no other reason; they realize the enemy of the Jews is the enemy of the Christians. We have witnessed over half a century of Muslim onslaughts on Israel. Now, we are mere spectators to the unprecedented lethal and barbaric assaults by Muslims on Christians.
With the exception of the Obama administration, most everyone acknowledges Muslims are the enemy: be they Sunnis (ISIS) or Shiites (Iranians). No one should doubt that a Muslim is evil when he threatens and/or attacks others based solely on religion. As to the Muslims who remain silent: are they wicked participants, co-conspirators, accessories to murder, enemy combatants or all of the above? It might not conform exactly with the predictions of the Bible, but the war of good versus evil has begun.
Subject: Beating ISIS, Part II
Date Sent: 24 Feb 2015
It is obvious that ISIS does not have the wherewithal to manufacture vehicles, munitions, medical supplies, foods and most necessities of life. These supplies, consumed and needed by ISIS, are coming from Far East and Western countries (including, indirectly, the USA).
Our military forces might best be used to stop this flow of matériel by instituting a surface and air embargo of ALL GOODS (including humanitarian aid) into any ISIS location. Yeah, I know the innocents will also suffer. But those who haven’t already fled into other countries may force ISIS to turn on itself. Clearly conventional warfare isn’t working. Perhaps America needs to re-think the rules of war where the first rule is: There are no rules.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Recent additions to my web site:
Subject: Beating ISIS, Part I
Date Sent 21 Feb 2015
During WW2 the art of propaganda, especially by the British, was raised to a new level of significance. There were three kinds: White (the enemy knows who’s sending the message); Grey (the enemy is confused as to its origin) and Black (the enemy believes the information is endorsed by own ranks).
1) We should be using our social and legitimate news media to broadcast challenging and dissing messages aimed at ISIS (Sunnis) that appear to becoming from Iran (Shiits) and vise-versa (White).
2) YouTube production and dissemination of ISIS fighters beheading Iranians – Hollywood should be able to make these look real (Grey).
3) War planes bearing Iranian insignia should drop bombs on ISIS strongholds including some duds with “made in Iran” painted thereon (Black).
If we can get these Islamics fighting among themselves, they’ll leave us alone at least until they’ve reduced their numbers to a more manageable level.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Test Time
Date Sent: 18 Feb 2015
Citizenship Test:
1) The Bill of Rights is:
a) The first ten articles of the U.S. Constitution;
b) The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution;
c) International POW list of rights;
d) None of the above.
2) The American Civil Liberties Union [ACLU] is a:
a) Private entity dedicated to preserving all constitutional rights;
b) Private entity dedicated to preserving all constitutional rights except 2nd Amendment rights;
c) Government entity dedicated to preserving all constitutional rights;
d) Government entity dedicated to preserving all constitutional rights except 2nd Amendment rights.
3) The right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is first mentioned in:
a) Declaration of Independence;
b) Gettysburg Address;
c) Preamble to the U. S. Constitution;
d) ACLU Preface.
4) The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This, the Ninth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, means:
a) Only the rights listed in the Constitution are exempt from being denied or disparaged;
b) The people retain the right to determine which rights shall be denied or disparaged;
c) Regardless of what rights are listed in the Constitution, there are other rights that the people retain for themselves;
d) None of the above.
5) What best describes the United States of America:
a) We are a nation of laws and all persons found therein must obey the laws of the land;
b) We are a nation of Constitutions. Laws, statutes, court decrees, executive orders are subservient to the Constitution;
c) We are a common-law nation;
d) We are a Democracy.
6) The "keep and bear arms" clause of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is:
a) A guarantee that the people have a right to own and carry arms;
b) A mandate on the Federal Government not to violate the right of the people to own and carry arms;
c) A Guarantee that the militia of the states have the right to horde arms for protection of their state and from invasion, insurrection or control of the constituents;
d) A guarantee that the Federal Government will not have its right to horde arms infringed.
7) "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary...to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them...." is the opening lines to the:
a) Constitution of the United States of America;
b) Articles of Confederation;
c) Declaration of Independence;
d) Gettysburg Address.
8) Qualities The National Rifle Association is dedicated to:
a) Firearms safety education as a public service;
b) Marksmanship training as a contribution to individual preparedness for personal and national defense;
c) Lobbying state and the federal government on behalf of and in the interest of its members;
d) All of the above;
e) Both a and b.
9) Before retiring for the night, you should check to see if:
a) Everyone is home that should be;
b) The doors are locked and night lights set:
c) Your home defense device is in place and undisturbed;
d) All of the above;
e) Both a and b.
10) In relation to using or handling firearms, the rule: "Don't Mix Alcohol and Gunpowder" Means:
a) Ingesting alcoholic drinks might impair judgment thus creating dangerous conditions;
b) There could be an explosion;
c) Firearms can't function when subjected to alcohol;
d) There is no such rule.
11) In the noted court case, Riss v. City of New York, the court created the rule, referring to the police, that "Because we owe a duty to everybody, we owe it to nobody," This ruling, like many similar rulings, means:
a) The police have the right and duty to carry firearms to protect the citizen;
b) The police have the duty to protect the individual citizen;
c) The police do not have the duty to protect the individual citizen;
d) The police have no duty to protect anyone other than themselves.
12) Suppose you are driving your car and another driver forces you off the road. You both stop, about 50 feet apart, and exit your vehicles. The other driver, who is about your size, then starts to walk toward you while carrying a raised tire iron and saying he's going to beat you to a pulp. You immediately back up and shout, "I'm sorry. I'll just get in my car and go away." The other driver lowers the tire iron, turns and starts toward his car. At this point you draw your gun that you legally carried and shout, "If you don't get out of here, I'll shoot you dead." He turns toward you, raising the tire iron. Would you:
a) Be justified in using lethal force because he has committed a felony by threatening you and if he escapes you might be liable for any other injuries he causes;
b) Be justified in using lethal force because he represented an immediate threat of death or great bodily harm to you;
c) Not be justified in shooting because the threat had passed and you re-opened the altercation, thus becoming the aggressor and therefore losing your right to self-defense.
d) Not be justified in shooting because a tire iron is not a lethal weapon;
e) Both a and b.
1) b. At the time of the drafting of the Constitution, a number of states indicated they would not ratify the Constitution unless a list of individual rights were included.
2) b. Though the ACLU likes to sing their praises of guarding individual civil rights, they have taken the position that the 2nd Amendment is only a states right and not an individual right to keep and bear arms
3) a. These inalienable rights are some of the "other" rights referred by the 9th Amendment.
4) c. The right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness noted in the Declaration of Independence, are only the beginning of the unenumerated (unlisted) rights. Others include, but are not limited to, the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right to defense of one's self, family and property, the right to be let alone....
5) b. This is the rule of law of our country and what distinguishes it from other nations. Nothing, absolutely nothing, rises above the dictates of our Constitution.
6) b. The right of American citizens to keep and bear arms is inalienable and inherent to America. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to keep the Federal Government from infringing or restricting this right. Since ratification of the 14 Amendment, the states are also precluded from infringing upon this intrinsic, individual right.
7) c. This is the opening salvo where the newly formed USA is laying out the reasons why they are declaring their independence from England.
8) d. This long standing American institution was historically concerned only with training and education until the late 1960's. It was then that they were forced to form the lobbying arm, Institute for Legislative Action, to fight for gun owner's rights. The ILA was necessary because our detractors had begun a concerted effort to usurp or violate our constitutional rights.
9) d. Prudent people should routinely make these observations including checking their "home defense device" which can be anything from a firearm to a baseball bat to the telephone.
10) a). Aside from the civil liability, in most states it's a criminal offense to handle or have control over any firearm when under the influence of alcohol.
11) c. Contrary to what many believe, if you call the police to save you from a criminal attack and the cops arrive to late to help or don't show up at all, there's nothing you can do about it. Police only have a duty to protect the citizenry in general - not individually.
12) c. If you carry a concealed weapon in public, you can't go around trying to egg someone on so you can bring out the hardware to blow them away.
0-2 Missed: Well Educated Patriot. I'd trust my backside to you.
3-5 Missed: We can stand together, but keep studying.
6+ Missed: You're part of the problem and a danger to the American Way of Life.
Chuck Klein
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: If I Were . . .
Date Sent: 3 Feb 2015
If I Were. . . .
IRAN: I would Nuke (if you’ve got one) or bomb Israel while BO is still in office and ISIS continues to occupy the West’s attention;
ISRAEL: I’d re-claim Gaza and the West Bank;
MUSLIMS, per se: I would be trying to figure out how to make guns and butter in case you ever actually do convert/kill the West;
EU: I’d wall-off and seal the Muslim sections of your countries and declare those inhabitants persona non grata;
CHINA: I would stop saber-rattling at Hong Kong, Taiwan and all those little islands and begin improving the conditions in your own mainland;
RUSSIA: I would throw in the towel, establish a capitalistic republic and join the West;
USA: I’d declare war on Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Korea by nuking them;
THE WORLD, per se: Using black and gray propaganda, I would encourage Shiites and Sunnis to continue their intra-Muslim killings.
Chuck Klein
All 78: 2014 Email Editorials
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Root Canal
Date Sent: 30 Jan 2015
It started out Tuesday morning as a dull ache in my upper jaw/face bone area. By noon, it was bothersome and I took some aspirin, and again at 4:00. Six o’clock there was noticeable swelling and pain to the point of not thinking clearly. Fortunately, my wife, a retired dental officer manager, surmised it might be a root canal. I didn’t want to hear that.
Last RC I had, about 40 years ago, is still a very painful and vivid memory: They strapped me into what looked like the Sing-Sing electric chair and then with hammer and chisel began what could only be described in today’s vernacular as a criminal assault. Oh sure, they stuck a huge needle in my gum saying it was Novocain and I wouldn’t feel a thing. They lied . . . and maybe I exaggerated just a mite about the conditions, but it did hurt. Then I had to come back in a week for the crown. They allowed a week ‘cuz that’s about the time it takes for the jaw to stop hurting from being jammed open for the jack-hammer.
I phoned Dr. Bart Fogel’s office and got the recording to push ‘one’ if this is an emergency to leave a message. Bart called within a few minutes and said he’d call in an antibiotic prescription to CVS and, with wife Barbara, at his side, determined they could fit me in Thursday morning. Barbara is the brains behind the management.
Under the expertise of Dr. Fogel, not only was it a one stop shopping experience, but the pain was less than a teeth cleaning, not that a cleaning ever hurts. Bart, a technophobe, has the latest and most innovative equipment available. For example, X-Rays are instantly displayed in HD on a TV screen. Also, they have a magic wand (can’t come up with a better description) they wave over the worked-on tooth and, in an hour, a machine manufactures a perfect-fit crown. Or, in my case, a plug to go in the hole they drilled in the crown to get at the infected root. Bart tells me he will have 3-D X-Ray equipment later this year. I hope it comes with action figures!
In appreciation of his professional care, I took him lunch at Bob Evans and told him he can have anything on the menu – hey I can be a sport! I even chewed on the plugged tooth and never noticed any discomfort.
Next time you need your teeth cleaned, your roots tweaked or anything done that you use your mouth for . . . no, wait this needs a little more editing.
Bart’s Practice:
Dentistry @ University Pointe
7777 University Dr. Suite F
West Chester, OH 45069
phone 513-772-4000
Subject: Republican Platform
Date Sent: 22 Jan 2015
The voters have thrown the gauntlet. My suggestions as to what the Republican party must do:
1) IMMIGRATION: Close all U.S. borders. Initiate a quota system where persons who can prove their nationality, and are within that nation’s quota limits, will be admitted for permanent citizenship or visas for diplomatic, education or employment.
2) CITIZENSHIP: All persons in this country illegally who surrender prior to arrest will be allowed to become citizens if they have no felony convictions and remain free of felony convictions while undergoing the citizenship process; and pay or agree to pay, an illegal-alien penalty of $$ within xx years of citizenship.
3) EXECUTIVE ORDERS: Pass legislation re-enforcing the separation of powers.
4) FOREIGN DOCTRINE: Limited troops on the ground somewhere, if for no other reason than to maintain war-readiness. Preemptive strikes including selective trade embargos/tariffs and assaults up to and including nuclear attacks when necessary to protect American interests and persons.
5) DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY: We will encourage and listen to all legal: Rallies, Protests and Petitions for Change. We will not tolerate looters, rioters, or criminals of any sort.
6) ECONOMY: Appoint FDR-type dollar-per-year czars to promote economical policy stimulus.
7) STATEHOOD: Encourage the island nations of the Caribbean including, but not limited to, Cuba and Puerto Rico, to seek statehood.
8) CANDIDATE: Select a candidate that has some pizazz, charisma – the “IT” factor.
9) WORLD, PER SE: If you want to trade with us; depend upon our military powers; visit or immigrate; you must not ignore or violate our rules, language, customs, laws and practices.
10) HOT BUTTONS: Abortion, gun control, religion, gay rights, schools, Obamacare and other 10th Amendment issues should be left to the states/courts.
BONUS: Define the enemy and, unequivocally, declare war upon them.
Chuck Klein
All 78: 2014 Email Editorials
2015 Email Editorials
Subject: Mary Jane
Date Sent: 13 Jan 2015
About a year ago Colorado voted to legalized (in conflict with federal law) the intrastate recreational use of marijuana. With sales now in the hundreds of millions of dollars this money is coming at the expense of other recreations. In other words, if there was no ’legal’ MJ, those $100s of millions would have been spent on other amusements. For example: if Paul Pothead and Mary Jane had some extra funds for fun and MJ was not available, they might have spent those dollars at a ski resort, in a movie or different entertainment endeavors.
Yeah I know, some money comes from out-of-state visitors. However, Nebraska and Oklahoma are seeking to have CO MJ shut down via SCOTUS because it is adversely impacting their states. If the court ignores this suit, would it be signaling that any state could vote to legalize, say, machineguns, heroin or segregate schools - as long as it only applied intrastate?
Chuck Klein
Subject: Muslims 1, French 0
Date Sent: 9 Jan 2015
It was a contemptible act that the French editors and illustrators were killed for their print and cartoon depictions of Muhammad. HOWEVER, it is the solidarity and endorsement of the free press that draws my ire. I am livid that the sympathizers are merely demonstrating their support with rallies, whining and hand-wringing.
In other words, to prove they were not cowed, the supporters of free speech should be validating their backbone by publishing more of what the editors and illustrators were killed for. To do anything less confirms the spineless supporters as craven cowards and the attackers as the winners.
Subject: Dictatorial Power
Date Sent: 4 Jan 2015
President Obama is set to impose Executive Orders to satisfy his concept of immigration reform and other issues that are legislative matters. One of his ardent supporters told me: “Many presidents stretch executive power to the limit and beyond in order to get things done that our system makes difficult to get done.” This liberal friend is saying: if it’s “difficult” to enact laws, the president – in the tradition of a dictator – may issue executive orders, i.e., commands where he not only writes laws, but he alone has the power to enforce them.
This champion of BO went on to say: “[The President’s] programs [are] overwhelmingly supported by the electorate.” We don’t live in a democracy where majority rules; America is a Republic. In a Republic, the majority elects representatives to conduct the affairs of state under a set of established controls - a Constitution.
If the Republicans, now in control of both Houses, fail to rectify this challenge to their powers, it will set a dangerous precedence.
Yeah, I know other Presidents have issued many EOs, but they were for pardons, John Doe Days, honorariums and other non-legislative matters of great importance affecting tens of millions.
Chuck Klein